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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Marriage Carol by Fabry & Chapman 2011

What will the music hold?

The snow, falling so thickly, they can barely see the road.   The husband, worried that they won’t reach the divorce attorney’s before closing, decides to take a short cut.  It’s Christmas Eve, their anniversary and the children are at home.  Hope, lost in an ocean of despair, is long forgotten.  Numbness is already settling in.

What happens could easily be someone’s reality. Is the future certain or is there yet time to change.  A devastating accident or was it?  Time shifts and perhaps another chance.  Despair, hope, devastation they all surface in one unexplainable night.

This story, vividly written and emotionally engaging, will reach the tender places in your heart.  It will linger in your thoughts, influence your choices, and offers valuable lessons for each of us.